Fort Mason Center, 2 Marina Blvd., Building C, San Francisco, CA 94123

Arte – Selected Works From Our Permanent Collection

Arte – Selected Works From Our Permanent Collection

Thanks to the generosity of many artists, collectors, and friends, over the decades the Museo has acquired a notable Permanent Collection of over 750 paintings, sculptures, mosaics, etchings, drawings, lithographs, and photographs, representing the works of nearly 200 different Italian and Italian-American artists. Additionally, in 2013 the Museo acquired the Falassi Collection, a rich assortment of Saints and Allegorical Figures collected by Italian social anthropologist, author, professor, and art collector, Alessandro Falassi of Siena.  

The pages of this book provide a complete listing of the Artists of the Permanent Collection as of this printing, a listing of some of the Museo’s exhibits over the years, and a small selection of works from the Permanent Collection.

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