Fort Mason Center, 2 Marina Blvd., Building C, San Francisco, CA 94123

Francesca Lane Kautz, M.A.

(Italian Language and Literature, San Francisco State University) – Francesca teaches Intermediate and Advanced Italian.

Francesca was born in Milan. She graduated from the Liceo Classico E.S. Piccolomini in Siena and then returned to Palo Alto. Francesca got her Bachelor’s in Classical Studies and Master’s in Italian Language and Literature both at San Francisco State University. She has done a lot of Italian translating and tutoring over many decades and started teaching for the Museo Italo Americano in January of 2005. She loves to spend time with her granddaughter and loves to travel to Italy and around the world. Francesca’s other hobbies include sailing with her husband, biking and hiking.

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