Fort Mason Center, 2 Marina Blvd., Building C, San Francisco, CA 94123

Bocchino, Serena – Magenta and Blue Flying

About this Work

Bocchino, Serena

Magenta and Blue Flying

  • 2016
  • Enamel paint and mirrors on canvas
  • 28 x 34 inches
  • Gift of Mr. Stephen Keough

About the Artist

Bocchino, Serena

b. 1960 Englewood, New JerseyAmerican abstract artist Serena Bocchino received her Master of Arts degree from New York University in 1985. She is known for her abstract paintings and drawings that interpret the spontaneous and rhythmic qualities of music, particularly American jazz. The Museum of Modern Art in New York featured Bocchino’s paintings and process in a film documentary by Monica Scharf, which won most inspirational film in the New York Film Festival. Since 1989, Bocchino’s work has been the subject of six films. Bocchino’s work is included in more than forty Corporate and Public Collections, including Bergen Museum of Art and Science; Bronx Museum of the Arts; Montclair Art Museum; Saks Fifth Avenue, New York, NY; Smithsonian Museum, Irma and Bill Seitz Collection, Washington D.C.; Springfield Museum of Art; St. Louis Art Museum; The Brodsky Center, Rutgers University; Trenton State Museum; the Taoxichuan Art Museum of China Central Academy of Fine Arts; and The Zimmerli Art Museum.
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