Fort Mason Center, 2 Marina Blvd., Building C, San Francisco, CA 94123

Carabba, LeoNilde – The Hercules Pillars (AKA I Am My Own Door)

About this Work

Carabba, LeoNilde

The Hercules Pillars (AKA I Am My Own Door)

  • 1985
  • Monoprint Silkscreen
  • 29.5 x 22.5 inches
  • Gift of Mr. Modesto Lanzone

About the Artist

Carabba, LeoNilde

b. 1938 Monza (MI), ItalyLeoNilde Carabba defines herself as “a painter and a traveler who loves to explore new territories and cross borders”. In 1961 she held her first solo exhibition. In 1969 she exhibited with Lucio Fontana and Bruno Munari in "Il Segno e l’Object" in a group show at the Galleria Cadario in Caravate, an exhibition curated by Walter Schönenberger. While her early works were refined rhythmical compositions on a geometrical texture, in the 1970s her work became more fluent – with motifs of seas, skies, and trees on increasingly larger canvases. In 1982 she moved to Bolinas, California, where she lived and worked for five years. In 1988 she returned to Milan, where her work became more refined and hinged on depth symbols, about which Riccardo Barletta wrote: “Symbols of no time and no place, as they can be found in any age or culture. The Sacred Mountain, the Maze, the Sun, the Zigurath, the Pyramid, the Mandala. It is a sort of dictionary where any word becomes The Word”. Since 2015 she has been a member of the Gruppo Internazionale Black Light Paintings, founded by Fabio Agrifoglio, President of the Mario Agrifoglio Foundation.She currently works both in Italy and in Germany.
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