Fort Mason Center, 2 Marina Blvd., Building C, San Francisco, CA 94123

TTozoi: the Genius Loci Project

The artists Giuseppe Rossi (left) and Stefano Forgione aka TTOZOI

GENIUS LOCI is a project created by two Italian artists, Stefano Forgione and Giuseppe Rossi, who work under the pseudonym TTOZOI. The concept stems from the idea of creating works of art in situ at select historical sites, using the original technique of the natural proliferation of molds on jute, with pictorial intervention by the artists.

GENIUS LOCI, created by TTOZOI and developed under the patronage of Italy’s Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism (MiBAC), has taken place at two of Italy’s UNESCO World Heritage sites: The ROYAL PALACE OF CASERTA with its Necropoli Sannita dating back to the 4th century BC, and in the amphitheater in the ARCHEOLOGICAL PARK OF POMPEII, as well as in Rome’s ancient JEWISH GHETTO. A future phase of the project is currently being planned for the ROMAN COLOSSEUM.

TTOZOI at work at the Royal Palace of Caserta, 2017

The artists simultaneously paint a jute canvas with an organic substance made up of natural pigment, water and a variety of flours. They then seal the work in a case, store the case on site for a period of up to several months, and allow the molds to proliferate naturally. Inside the case, the molds feed on the organic material, interacting with the work of art, and creating their own haphazard paths and designs through the veins of the jute. The artists closely monitor the progress of the spores and decide when it is time to interrupt it.  The canvases are then cleaned and sealed with resins, used for the purpose of protecting the work without altering the naturalness of the result.

The Latin term genius loci refers to the “spirit” of a place. The technique that TTOZOI uses, in places so full of history, produces works of art that are able to absorb and capture the “soul” of the historical sites. The memory and the spirit of the locations are, in a sense, transferred onto the canvas. The art that TTOZOI creates is not only produced through the “emotional conditioning” by the artists, but also through the “environmental conditioning” of the space.  Creating art in such ancient locations allows the unique realization of contemporary art with a concrete connection to the past.

TTOZOI has obtained permission from the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, through its Art in the Park Program, to create a number of works at Fort Point, an historic location now protected as a U.S. National Historic Site and a California Historical Landmark. The iconic site, under the Golden Gate Bridge, was chosen for its long history, importance, and “soul”.

Genius Loci San Francisco is sponsored by the Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco, under the patronage of the Consul General of Italy in San Francisco, with additional support from La Scuola International School, Santa Margherita Wines and Axrt Contemporary Gallery.

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