Fort Mason Center, 2 Marina Blvd., Building C, San Francisco, CA 94123

Elena Brittain

Board Member

Elena Brittain was born in Italy, the daughter of an Italian army colonel and a San Francisco-born mother whose parents were Italian immigrants. After World War II when she was a teenager, her family relocated to San Francisco.  

For many years, Elena worked as a designer/developer, renovating dozens of homes in San Francisco. Elena has had a successful second career as an artist. She was represented by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Artists’ Gallery for 15 years until it closed in 2021. Her paintings have been featured in numerous juried competitions and group shows, including three exhibits the Museo.

Elena has been involved with the Museo Italo Americano for more than 30 years, including 19 years as a Board member. Elena enjoys spending time with her family, which includes three great-grandchildren.

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